
Logic square is a leading custom web & mobile app development company that offers its services to small businesses in the USA at an affordable cost.

Cabo Tourism Board Resort Chains

Vayco+ is an easy to use digital platform that saves time, and helps hotels head into the 21st century. It helps hotel partners to connect with guests in minutes. It allows hotels more time to focus on their core business while providing them with key metrics to see how guests interact on the platform.

apple 1 1
App Store
android 1 1
Play Store
tv show 1 1
TV Display
analytical 1 1
Admin Panel
Generating Interest 1


Building a web, Android and iOS version together in a limited time window and keeping them in sync was a difficult task. This took a little extra time but it was managed well eventually.

Another challenge was finding and integrating with a tours data provider. There are many vendors available but they have limited API access. The one we eventually selected (Bokun) had a lot of limitations and we had to cut out some features in the mobile app due to that. Their approval process for the merchant API access is long and difficult to get through.

In addition to these challenges, the budget was also a constraint as the clients were bootstrapping this build and did not raise funds to build the first version.

Upcoming Plans

To further enhance the user experience, the next plan is to put this application on a new platform i.e. Alexa. A voice enabled program which can allow you to interact with the hotel to review & consume amenities, leave feedback, make reservations, plan outings and many more things.

There is also a plan to further enhance the mobile apps with inputs from the pilot users and to build a more detailed tour booking experience within the app. Earlier, a time constraint had forced us to build a restricted version of this feature.

What we used


nodejs 1 logo 7

Node JS

Technologies 15


tech1 1




redis logo


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Our Strategies
our process img1

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